What's the history of the MVP Program in Shelburne?
10 March 2023: The Town of Shelburne received a FY23 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Planning Grant from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
13 September 2023: The Town of Shelburne, in collaboration with MVP consultants Weston & Sampson, Inc., hosted a Community Resilience Building workshop. The purposes of the workshop were to:
- Define climate hazards
- Identify community vulnerabiltiies and strengths
- Develop and prioritize adaptation strategies
23 October 2023: The Town hosted a Public Listening Session during the regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting over Zoom to present the draft MVP plan and gather feedback from the community. Thank you to all who attended and offered feedback to help build a stronger Shelburne! The presentation is available starting at the 26:20 minute mark here: http://fallscable.com/portfolio/shelburne-selectboard-oct-23-2023/
23 October - 4 December 2023: The Town accepted public comments on the draft MVP plan. Those comments were reviewed by the MVP Core Team and incorporated into the final plan.
- The draft plan is posted here as the ShelburneMVP Summary of Findings-Main-Section. This includes all the identified infrastructural, societal, and environmental vulnerabilities and strengths, as well as the prioritized recommendations to improve Shelburne's resilience.
- The supporting documents from the Core Team meetings are in Appendix A.
- The Community Resilience Building workshop materials are split into the presentations, and the maps and notes.
- The presentation and results of the public polls from the October Public Listening Session are in Appendix C.
4 December 2023: Shelburne's MVP consultants from Weston & Sampson presented the proposed Expression of Interest for the MVP Action Grant to the Town Selectboard. The recording is available here starting at the 1:05:32 time point. During the meeting, the Selectboard also decided to make the position of Town MVP Coordinator an appointed position.
8 December 2023: The Shelburne MVP Coordinator submitted the MVP action grant Expression of Interest to MA EEA, the sponsors of the MVP program. The Town hopes to received feedback early in 2024 to better position the FY25 Action Grant application in the Spring. The supporting document submitted with the Expression of Interest proposal is available here. The proposal addressed three of the priorities identified in the Community Resilience Building workshop (Create a resilient roadway improvement plan; Create a resilient drainage plan; Improve community connections and emergency communications with vulnerable populations), and included the following components:
- Complete a risk-based assessment of town-owned culverts within highly vulnerable areas
- Undertake the first steps of an action-oriented resilience plan for roads and culverts with known flooding
- Improve preparedness for vulnerable populations
- Develop public outreach program to educate the general community about vulnerabilities and improve emergency preparedness
3 January 2024: The Resilient Shelburne MVP Plan 2023 was posted to this webpage.
Appears in: MVP FAQs