Blackboard Connect Service
Emergency Alerts - Phone Notification System
The Blackboard Connect service allows authorized town officials to create and rapidly disseminate time-sensitive messages to every telephone number stored in the notification database. With the Blackboard Connect service, authorized users can send emergency messages in minutes. Only authorized officials are allowed access to the system.
How does the service work?
Authorized officials record a voice message that is then delivered quickly to individual phones in the notification database.
What types of messages will be sent using the service?
Any message regarding the safety or welfare of our community can be disseminated using the Blackboard Connect service.
Examples would include severe weather warnings and updates, hazardous traffic or road conditions inside the city or affecting local routes, and any other situation that could impact the safety, property, or welfare of our citizens.
Click here to sgn up for BlackBoard Connect
Please accept this invitation to participate in the Blackboard Connect notification service. We know your personal information is important, and rest assured that we will not share it with anyone. If you would like to sign up for this town-wide service, or you would like to provide additional contact information, click the Blackboard Connect image above to sign up or, call the Town Hall at 413-625-0300 ext. 3 to be directed to a person who will be happy to get you signed up TODAY!