Tick Testing Program
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the program work?
The UMass Laboratory of Medical Zoology tests ticks from all over the world for tick-borne diseases.
Through a partnership with the Lab and the other member towns of the Cooperative Public Health
Service Health District, residents of Shelburne receive $5O tick tests for $15.
Why do CPHS Boards of Health offer this service to residents? Lyme Disease is the fastest
growing infectious disease in our region, and reported cases of other tick-borne diseases are also
steadily increasing. Ticks are active in 9 to 12 months of the year now, so the risk of infection is yearround.
Tick testing allows people to be informed advocates for their own health, while also
contributing data to the study of the spread of tick-borne disease.
Which ticks can be tested? Any tick found attached to a human resident of Shelburne can be
removed, stored in a plastic baggie and submitted for testing.
How do people get the tick to the Lab? Visit www.tickreport.com to register, give information and
pay. You can mail it in a plastic bag. If you want, you can also bring it to UMass between 10 and 4.
How long will it take to get a test back? Residents will receive an emailed report between 1-5
What will the test tell people? It will tell you whether your tick tested positive for Lyme,
Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, or Ehrlichiosis. It will NOT tell you whether you have contracted these
diseases, but will allow you to be better informed when working with your medical provider.
What will this cost the Town? Thanks to the partnership with other towns, the test subsidies are
$15 each for the Town, and $15 for the resident.
Posted: to Town of Shelburne News on Sun, Jul 19, 2020
Updated: Sun, Jul 19, 2020