Shelburne Town Clerk Service Changes During COVID-19

The Town hall is closed to the public for the foreseeable future. The Town Clerks office will work within reason to accommodate public requests, keeping the safety and well-being of other Town Hall officials in the building and the public in mind.

Please take note of the following services that the Town Clerks office provides and is able to continue:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. I can be reached by email, ,or by leaving a message at 413-625-0300 ext.3, and I will be in contact with you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time for our fellow citizens. Please follow State guidelines for the health and safety of you and your loved ones.

Business Certificates (DBA, Doing Business As)

  • Renewals can be done when the Town offices re-open.
  • If you are being required to file or show proof of filing, please contact the town clerk at

Dogs & Dog licensing

  • Please be aware that your dog has to be current with their rabies vaccination(s). Please send with your registration.
  • For any dogs you may find wandering in your neighborhood that appear to be lost, or any other dog related issue, please contact the Animal Control Officer at 413-781-1484 ext. 1 so he can help re-unite the dog with their owner.


  • The State House & Senate has filed legislation on allowing cities and towns to postpone Municipal elections statewide. I will be working with other town officials closely to keep the community informed of the status of this decision.
  • Should the local election(s) proceed in May, or if the date is postponed to a later date, feel free to request an absentee ballot as usual. You will be notified when they become available.
  • You may send any written form of correspondence with your signature requesting an absentee ballot once I have them in my office
  • These requests should be emailed to, mailed to: Town Clerk, 51 Bridge Street, Shelburne, MA 01370 or placed in the drop box in the front entrance of Town Hall.

Notary Services

  • These services will not be provided until further notice. If you have an emergency that requires immediate action, consideration will be on a case-by-case basis, with the safety of the Town Hall Staff and the community a priority.

Marriage Intentions

  • This service will be provided only to those couples whose wedding date has been scheduled to be performed within the months of March and April, by appointment only. Please keep in mind that there is a (3) three day waiting period and a license is good for (60) sixty days. Please contact the Town Clerk at or 413-635-0300 ext. 3.
  • We will have to communicate through our for door windows to practice proper social distancing.

Oath of Office for Board and Committee Members

  • Will resume when Town offices are open to the public.
  • If your board has Selectboard permission to meet during this time, and you will be participating having not taken your oath of office, please contact the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.

Public Record Requests

  • Please submit any public records request through the following online portal:
  • I will do my best to fulfill these requests during this pandemic. With Town Hall not open to the public, there may be some information that may be delayed due to extra research needed.

Town Meeting

  • At this time, Town Meeting has not been postponed. The Town Moderator in conjunction with the Select board, Town Administrator and Town Clerk will update our residents with any changes.
  • Decisions made will be for the health and welfare of all of our citizens.

Vital record request

  • Birth, Death and Marriages certified copies. Please contact the Town Clerk at to ensure we have your vital record on file.
  • You may also do this by mail, sending in your request and payment with a self-addressed stamped envelope, to: Town Clerk, 51 Bridge Street, Shelburne, MA 01370 or by drop off in the drop box in front entrance of Town Hall.
  • The fee for each certified copy is $10

Voter Registration