Shelburne Open Space and Recreation Plan Public Forum

The Shelburne Open Space Committee is updating the Town Open Space and Recreation Plan and seeks input from town residents. A public forum will be held on Tuesday, October 10th at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall meeting room. (Masks recommended but not required.)

You are invited to review and comment on highlights of the plan, including survey results, draft maps and draft goals, objectives, and actions.

An Open Space and Recreation Plan contains conservation and recreation goals for the town, and includes an inventory of cultural, natural, and recreational resources. It also identifies open space and recreation needs, and outlines a seven-year action plan with specific recommendations.

Your input is an essential part of Shelburne’s ongoing work to identify, prioritize, and develop projects that

  1. meet the recreation needs of our residents;
  2. protect our natural, scenic, historic, and recreation resources;
  3. plan future land use, and;
  4. help make our community more resilient to a changing climate.

The previous Shelburne Open Space and Recreation Plan was completed in 2014. Having an up-to-date plan qualifies the Town to apply for state grants for land conservation and recreation facility improvements.

The draft plan is posted on the Town Website at /g/47/Open-Space-


Written comments may be sent to until November 10, 2023.