Technology & Cable Advisory Committee

Meeting Schedule: 1st Wednesday of most months, as needed

No meetings currently scheduled.


4 of 5 seats. 1 years each seat.

  • Hawley Waldman. June, 2021.
  • Craig Miller. June, 2023.
  • James Boehmer. June, 2023.
  • Mike Duffy, Chair. June, 2023.


The Shelburne Cable Advisory Committee has handled the negotiation, oversight and monitoring of cable television franchise agreements between the Town and Comcast since 1985. After a 10 year agreement was signed in 2012, the Select Board voted to change the name of the committee to the Technology and Cable Advisory Committee. In addition to the franchise agreement responsibilities, the Board assigned the committee with the mission of expanding broadband internet access to all areas in Shelburne. The committee then worked with the Mass Broadband Institute to expand the Comcast cable network to cover 96% of the town by 2018. We then worked with the Town of Colrain to extend their new fiber optic network to reach the remaining unserved areas. Town Meetings in 2018 and 2019 approved about $85,000 for that effort which was completed in 2022 around $19,000 under budget.

In 2019, the Select Board also authorized the committee to begin joint negotiations with the Buckland Cable Advisory committee for a new franchise agreement to take effect after August  2022. The negotiation process was slowed by the pandemic, but it was completed in October, 2022 when a new 10 year agreement was signed to ensure that Comcast’s services will continue through 2032.

Now that the committee has completed our objectives of universal broadband access and the signing of a new 10-year franchise agreement, it’s possible that the Select Board may decide to revise the committee’s title, roles and responsibilities. Committee appointments are for a 1-year term, and we expect vacancies for the year beginning July 1. If you are interested in working to advance the Town’s cable related objectives, or have any questions or comments, please email:

Previous meetings:

Technology & Cable Advisory Committee Meetings

Technology & Cable Advisory Committee Files