Cultural Council
Additional Pages
Town Hall, 51 Bridge Street, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 Contact: Visit us on Facebook:
Meeting Schedule: See Calendar
No meetings currently scheduled.
6 of 8 seats. 3 years each seat.
- Maureen Moore. 2025.
- Beth Baron. 2026.
- Debb Makara. 2026.
- Jacqui Goodman. 2026.
- Linn Bower. 2027.
- Owen Bragdon, Co-Chair. 2025.
Join the Shelburne Cultural Council!
If you have a passion for local arts and culture, or just want to work to continue to make Shelburne a great place to live, consider joining our Council. Members of the Shelburne Cultural Council are volunteers appointed by the Shelburne Selectboard. As MCC's application process is now conducted entirely online, proficiency with computers and the internet is essential and experience with finance a plus. Email us at
Who We Are
Established in 1982, the statewide Local Cultural Council funding program is one of many programs initiated and supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC), which annually receives its funding from the State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Shelburne Cultural Council (SCC) is one of 329 councils serving all 351 Massachusetts cities and towns. Our local board members are part of approximately 2,400 LCC appointed volunteers statewide.
What We Do
Each local cultural council receives an annual allocation from the MCC based on its town or city’s population. SCC holds public meetings as needed throughout the year. Our busiest period is from September to January. The online grant application for FY 2023, via the Massachusetts Cultural Council website, will run from September 1 to November 1, 2022:
Our state allocation varies; last year we recieved $5000 and awarded 26 grants. Grant amounts typically range between $125 to $400; as such it is advised that applicants apply to all relevant LCCs for funding if their budget exceeds this range. Beginning 2023, grant awards will be provided up front via our Direct Funding method; no longer will an applicant have to cover their expenses and wait to be reimbursed after their program is over. Members are available to answer questions throughout the year.
Visit us on Facebook!
The mission of the Shelburne Cultural Council is to help fund a broad range of cultural events that support and enrich the community life of Shelburne Falls and our neighboring hilltowns. We encourage local cultural educators and artists to develop and share their talents through diverse programs and events that appeal to residents of all ages.
FY24 Local Priorities
Funding Priorities
The SCC’s funding priorities for FY 2023 are projects and programs that provide its residents the above noted cultural programs for all age groups from children to seniors. We will give added priority to projects and programs that: are innovative and participatory in nature, are especially geared towards our youth, or elevate the voices and experiences of historically marginalized groups in our area.
This year, the SCC endeavors to offer more effective support by awarding larger grant amounts to local, and locally-produced, projects and events. Due to our limited state-allocation amount and the number of eligible applicants, please be aware that we sometimes are unable to fund a worthy project in whole or part. Additionally, we may not be able to fund all projects funded in the past.
We encourage applicants who believe their program will provide public benefit to more than one community to apply to more than one Local Cultural Council (LCC). This will strengthen your application because it demonstrates your awareness of this monetary reality. For example, an applicant whose project venue is our local school should also apply to the LCCs where our students live. Note that the Buckland Cultural Council and the Shelburne Cultural Council are separate entities and both fund programs in what is known as Shelburne Falls.
FY24 Local Guidelines
Council Guidelines
Application deadline: The statewide application deadline is October 17, 2023.
Late applications cannot be accepted. Please take the time to read MCCs overview and guidelines to help you with this process:
MCC Application help desk: 617-858-2721
ATTENTION: All grants for 2024 will be Direct Funded. Upon signing an Agreement Form and submitting a W-9, recipients can now expect to receive their funds within 2 to 3 weeks prior to their program's completion. Recipients will complete a Final Report, and send it, along with relevant expenditure receipts, to us within two weeks of a project's completion. The Council feels this important change from Reimbursement enhances LCC programming opportunities by imposing less financial hardship on potential grantees, provides a more equitable playing field for all artists and organizations. It also serves to streamline the process for grantees, town municipal officers and our Council treasurers.
All applications must include a statement of support from the hosting organization and/or venue, as well as any collaborative partner.
Include link to the applicant's website
Applicants should not expect the SCC to fully fund projects. Each application should indicate a detailed budget identifying funding streams, including applications to other local cultural councils, which will also help to reach more local audiences.
Submit application-related questions to well before the deadline of October 17th. We will promptly respond.
Massachusetts Cultural Council Web Link:
Previous meetings:
- Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 06:30 PM -- Zoom
- Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 06:00 PM --
- Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 08:00 PM -- Zoom
- Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 06:30 PM -- Arms Library
- Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 06:30 PM -- Picnic Area behind Arms Library
- Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 06:30 PM -- Via Zoom
- Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 07:00 PM -- Zoom meeting
- Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 07:00 PM -- Local Cultural Council
- Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 07:00 PM -- Meeting ID: 359 058 3442
- Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 07:00 PM -- Zoom ID: 359 058 3442
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