MVP Files (11 files)
Files posted here include news articles, reports, and presentations from Shelburne's MVP project and the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant program.
- ResilientShelburne MVP Plan 2023 Final.pdf
- Shelburne MVP EOI Dec2023.pdf
- ShelburneMVP Summary of Findings-Main-Section DRAFT for Public Comment.pdf
- ShelburneMVP Summary of Findings DRAFT AppendixA Core Team Mtg Materials.pdf
- ShelburneMVP Summary of Findings DRAFT AppendixB CRB Workshop Materials.pdf
- ShelburneMVP Summary of Findings DRAFT AppendixB CRB Workshop Materials Maps-Notes.pdf
- ShelburneMVP Summary of Findings DRAFT Appendix C-Public-Listening-Session.pdf
- MVP Core Principles March 2023.pdf
- CommunityResilienceBuildingWorkshop Summary and Survey.pdf
- Community Resilience Building Workshop MyTurnRecorder 20230922.pdf
- Listening Session Announcement Recorder 20231021.pdf