1. Called meeting to order @ 6:15 PM , Joseph Mattei, James Richardson,
& Marvin Peck present
2. Reviewed mail - Deeds
Received preliminary certification on 11/13 from the state -
public disclosure began today and ends after 5 days - discussed values
on spreadsheet
assessors will come in to sign necessary paperwork for Tax Recap when review is
3. Signed 10/22 Meeting minutes
4. Signed Motor Vehicle excise abatement(s)
5. Signed Real Estate abatements & applications for ATB case
6. Signed bills payable - FCAA dues were okayed on 5/14/07- re-submitted
7. Signed Monthly lists
8. Signed Chapter lien release & new lien
9. Reviewed Map 41 lots 15 & 15.1 on Water St. -lot 15 in the wrong place -
Lot 19 has adjacent piece across the street on deed, which is where lot 15 is shown,
Will have map changed next year
10. Reviewed one chapter application - remainder tabled till 11/26 meeting
11. Monday December 3rd Public info session from 6:00 to 9:00 PM - need rsvp
Joe, Marvin, and possibly Jim will attend
12. Next meeting 11/26, December meeting 12/10 only, 12/24 is Christmas eve,
Assessors will come in and sign necessary paperwork as needed during the month
13. Adjourned meeting @ 7:00 PM
Joseph P. Mattei , Chairman
James T. Richardson
Marvin C. Peck