Monday, July 25, 2011, 7:00 pm Meeting Minutes A meeting of the Board of Assessors
*House Inspections cancelled due to rain*
1. Called meeting to order @ 6:09PM Jim Richardson & Marvin Peck present; Joe Mattei unable to attend
2. Election of new chairman for FY2012 was passed over until all members present
3. Reviewed mail:
Selectboard Notice - "Citizen's Building Guide" - it was noted by Jim Richardson that the owner/builder needs to follow FRCOG building inspector guidelines first, which are already in place - we do not need to provide another layer of guidelines for people who build their own houses without a contractor
Ashenden Mortgage to Franklin Land Trust - it was noted by Jim Richardson that the mortgage is temporary until father's property is sold - wants to control development rights so that it will not be developed into lots and wants it to remain as farmland
Foreclosure Notice - 42 Dragon Hill - CitiMortgage - 7/11/2011
Agawam Land Trust - new Trustee - Josh Simpson
264A Patten Rd.- Mr. Sobel deceased - send tax bills to daughter, Lisa Sobel Spinelli
Certification of Annual Town Meeting Appropriations FY2012 - Amount to Raise & Appropriate increased by $32,821 this year
AT&T - New Cingular Wireless - Settlement offer of ATB Appeals - Board instructed the assistant to check with Conway & other towns to see if they have agreed to this settlement yet
Mass Recovery Update - Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program
4. Signed Previous meeting minutes
5. Employee Evaluation of assistant was passed over until all members present
6. Signed Motor Vehicle Excise abatements
7. Signed Monthly Reports for June
8. Signed Bill Schedule - CSC Dues FY2012 = $1,900.00 (increase of $100)
9. Signed Motor Vehicle Excise Warrant - 2011 #4 - $6,373.80
10. Passed over discussion of Old Business
Review of new Valuations for inspected Properties
Review of Personal Property accounts without submitted Forms of List
11. New Business
Dave Patrick invited assessors to walk boundary markings between his land and Fire District - it was noted by both assessors that the issue will be resolved when maps are updated at the beginning of next year
Assistant questioned whether we should be charging the Shelburne Falls Fire District for Property listings for their tax bills - assistant spends time creating excel files for Real Estate & Personal Property accounts in the village - Jim Richardson directed the assistant to keep track of time spent on project & charge accordingly