Board of Selectmen

Tuesday, September 11, 2007, 7:00 pm
Meeting Minutes
A meeting of the Selectboard

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes — September 11, 2007 — 4:00 p.m. — Memorial Hall

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman, John Payne. Other members present: Bob Manners. Joe Judd was absent.

4:00 p.m. Dan Haynes of Hibour & Haynes RE: FY’06 Audit Results: in attendance for the discussion was: Assessors Marvin Peck and Joseph Mattei; Assistant Assessor, Bruce Kaeppel; Collector of Taxes, Maureen Pike; Treasurer, Virginia Peck; Fiscal Officer, Scott Sawyer; and Executive Secretary, Terry Mosher.
Mr. Haynes first discussed the single audit report which included a review of federal grant monies received by the town. He stated that in addition to a review of town records he made a site visit to Breezeway Farm to review John Ryan’s records. There were no findings. Mr. Haynes stated that John Ryan does an excellent job of administering these grants.
Next, Mr. Haynes reviewed the annual financial statements. Compliance with GASBY 34 was briefly discussed and whether or not it would be beneficial for the town to hire an independent consultant for $7,000 - $10,000 to inventory all of the town’s fixed assets. Mr. Haynes noted that many small towns are not in compliance with GASBY 34 as the process is time consuming; cost prohibitive and the benefits are minimal. Mr. Haynes noted that the Treasurer does an excellent job in ensuring that Shelburne’s money is insured and collateralized.
Finally, the management letter was reviewed. There were seven recommendations highlighted in that letter. Recommendations included a more aggressive tax collection policy; account for sewer operations as an enterprise fund; maintain separate funds for non-expendable and expendable trust funds; reconcile page 4 of the tax recapitulation so that it reflects all votes taken at town meetings; improve internal controls over disbursements; post abatements in a timely manner; and ensure that the Town Accountant maintain copies of all lease purchase contracts.
The group discussed ways to adopt the above-mentioned recommendations; four of which have already been implemented. In closing, John thanked Maureen, Ginny, Scott and Terry for their fine work. Mr. Haynes agreed.
After no further discussion, Bob made a motion to adjourn at 5:04 p.m. John seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Mosher
Executive Secretary