Board of Selectmen

Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:00 pm
Meeting Minutes
A meeting of the Selectboard

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes — November 15, 2007 — 7:00 p.m. — Memorial Hall

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Chairman Joseph Judd. Other members present: John Payne. Robert Manners was away on vacation.

Acceptance of Minutes: a motion was made by John to accept the minutes of November 1, 2007 (noting one minor typographical error). The motion was seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.

Department Liaison Reports:
John reported that the Treasurer's computer was infected with a virus of some sort and as a result the payroll and vendor warrant had to be executed using the Fiscal Officer's laptop. The problem has since been corrected.

The Cable Advisory Committee continues to press forward with negotiations. Their principle priority is a more complete "build-out". Advisory Committee member Craig Manning has left the area leaving one vacancy. The Committee would like to find someone who is interested in serving and willing to make a nine month commitment. The committee meets jointly with Buckland twice a month on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Joe reported that all is well with the police department and they are getting ready for Moonlight Magic.

7:30 p.m. Good Spirits Liquor Shoppee RE: Transfer of Liquor License - Attorney Ken Chaffee, representing the new owners explained that Daravuthy Lean is a nephew to the current owner Hang Pich. Mr. Lean and his wife will be purchasing the store with the intention of operating it in the same manner as in the past. Although the Leans have no prior experience in the package store business, they have been taking the necessary classes in preparation of the transfer. Both Joe and John stressed the importance of ensuring that neither alcohol nor tobacco products were sold to minors. Mr. Pich's son stated that the store has recently invested in some equipment that detects fraudulent identification. After no further comments a motion was made by John to approve the liquor license transfer from Sophan, Inc. to R & D Lean, Inc. The motion was seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.

Police Department Relocation - Joe restated that despite rumors, he is still very much in the exploration phase of a possible relocation for the police department. At present Joe is looking at three potential sites (all very preliminary).

Arms Library Board of Trustees - after having met with Selectmen, Manners, the Arms Library Trustees would like to work with the Board of Selectmen to explore the formation of a Shelburne Library Commission to look at the operation of both Shelburne libraries. Joe suggested inviting Library Trustees and members of the Finance Committee in to their next meeting to discuss. Both Joe and John agreed that they would like to first clarify the relationship between the Town and the library before going any further.
Senior Center Lease - Joe has been informed by the Mason's attorney that the lease agreement is complete and in the hands of Mason representatives. Joe is disappointed that the town has yet to see a copy.

Draft Guidelines for Recording of Meeting Minutes and Fulfilling Requests for Public Records - John circulated draft #5 for Board members to review after having incorporated changes from the previous meeting. Joe referenced the original draft document which states the following: "In the interest of public disclosure, charging fees for public records is not an acceptable practice unless a request is deemed to be unreasonable or excessive in nature; or would cause a committee additional time and work." After reviewing draft #5, Joe feels that the guidelines have become a lot about charging. The Board will wait until Bob returns to see what his comments are.

Cowell Gymnasium Fire Escape Quotes - two proposals were received for the demolition and reconstruction of the Cowell Gymnasium fire escape. The proposals were as follows: Deerfield Valley Re-Fab, Inc. of South Deerfield, MA - $4,300.00; and Franklin County Fabricators, Inc. of Greenfield, MA - $8,471.00. A motion was made by John to award Deerfield valley Re-Fab, Inc. in the amount of $4,300.00 providing that the Highway Superintendent was satisfied with the scope of services outlined in the proposal. The motion was seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.

Update Policy for Grant Related Payments - discussion tabled until John has had an opportunity to speak with the Treasurer.

Letters of Interest for Town Boards - the Board has yet to receive a recommendation from the Board of Health relative to the appointment of a third member. Joe will speak with Chairman, Bob Gonzalez and if a recommendation is not made before the December 6th meeting, the Board of Selectmen will consider making the appointment directly.

Board of Health RE: Recommendation for Hiring of Part-time Health Agent - the Board has yet to receive a recommendation from the Board of Health relative to the appointment of a part-time health agent. The individual would be utilized on an as-needed basis. The agent's fee would be based on a fixed hourly rate. Joe will speak with Chairman, Bob Gonzalez and if a recommendation is not made before the December 6th meeting, the Board of Selectmen will consider making the appointment directly.

Apex Orchard Lease Renewal - will wait until Bob returns for discussion.

Bids for Demolition of Cross Street Barn - five bids were received for the demolition of the Cross Street barn. They were as follows: JayMor Enterprises $8,900.00; Associated Building Wreckers $10,830.00; Bob Cook & Sons $12,010.00; Carson Ovitt $15,550.00; and CD Davenport $24,185.00. Breezeway Farm Consulting reviewed the bids, checked references of the low bidder and recommended the award to JayMor Enterprises of Pelham, N.H. After review of the bids a motion was made by John to award the demolition project to the low bidder (JayMor Enterprises) in the amount of $8,900.00. Joe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Sale of Surplus Equipment - single bids were received for three of the four items of surplus equipment. Bids received were as follows: 1999 Chevy One Ton Cab & Chassis - no bids received; 1994 Ford Aerostar Van - one bid received from James Pasiecnik in the amount of $696.00; 1993 Dodge Intrepid - one bid received from James Pasiecnik in the amount of $477.00; 10' Power Angle Plow - one bid received from Parsons Enterprises in the amount of $650.00. A motion was made by John to honor both bids submitted by James Pasiecnik of South Deerfield. The motion was seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously. A second motion was made by John to honor the bid submitted by Parsons Enterprises of Halifax, Vermont. Motion seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.

Deanne Merrill RE: History of Shelburne - Deane Merrill is seeking permission to create an electronic copy of the "History and Tradition of Shelburne" which was copyrighted in 1958 and is currently out of print. The proposed project would be collaboration between Mr. Merrill and David Allen of Roberge Associates. The two may request modest access fees or sell some CD's in order to cover their costs. Joe suggested forwarding the request to Donna MacNicol for her review. No further action taken.

Thanksgiving Holiday - as in years' past, Joe suggested that the Board grant town employees the Friday after Thanksgiving as a paid holiday. In the event of a snow storm, highway personnel would be expected to report to work. A motion was made by John granting the day after Thanksgiving as a paid holiday for those town employees who typically work on Fridays. The motion was seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.

Planning Board Minutes - after having received a complaint from Jim Wall concerning the lack of Planning Board meeting minutes, Joe went to the Town Clerk's Office and discovered that their meeting minutes are indeed incomplete. Joe is concerned that the Planning Board is "falling backwards" and a message needs to be sent. John stated that the Planning Board is aware of Mr. Wall's concerns.


Adjournment: a motion was made by John to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m. Motion seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Mosher
Executive Secretary