Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes — January 21, 2008 — 7:00 p.m. — Memorial Hall
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Joseph Judd. Other members present: Robert Manners. Fellow member John Payne was away on vacation.
Acceptance of Minutes: a motion was made by Bob to accept the minutes of February 7, 2008 as presented. Joe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Noteworthy News:
Senior Center Lease Update - Joe met with Senior Center representatives and member town Selectmen. No one is pleased with the Mason's proposed increase in annual rental fees. Joe will facilitate a meeting with both the Masons and member towns in the near future. In the meantime, the existing lease remains in effect.
Highway Superintendent's Request to Spend in Excess of Town Meeting Appropriation for Snow & Ice Removal - In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, section 31D "Snow and Ice Removal; emergency expenditures; reporting requirements, Pete Hillman notified the Board of Selectmen that his department's snow and ice budget currently reflects a deficit balance of $14,930.15. Given the winter we have experienced thus far, coupled with the fact that he has an additional $6,000 in bills waiting to be paid, Pete is requesting permission to spend up to $50,000 in excess of available funds for snow and ice related activities in fiscal year 2008. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Bob to authorize the Highway Superintendent's request. Joe seconded the motion. Joe noted that the request had been discussed with the Finance Committee and four members signed the written request. Following no further discussion, a vote was taken. Request passed unanimously.
Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs RE: Smart Growth/Smart Energy Technical Assistance Grant - Shelburne has been awarded $20,000 for planning and design of a handicapped accessible, interpretive deck and walkway in the area of the Glacial Potholes. The application was a collaborative effort between the Town, the S.F.A.B.A. Partnership and the Falls Observation Task Force.
Police Department Relocation Discussion - Bob Manners reported that he has spoken with a representative from the Ethics Commission in order to determine whether or not he can actively participate in discussion relative to the proposed relocation of the police department. After disclosing his relationship with the police department as a part-time officer, he was informed that he can participate in discussion relative to the proposed relocation providing the discussion is strictly limited to location, that he file necessary paperwork, that he proclaims his relationship with the police department publicly before entering into discussion and providing that there is no personal financial gain.
Military Band Building - in recent weeks Joe has met with representatives from the Military Band and most recently members of the Historical Society to discuss the possibility of relocating the small building off of Memorial Drive in the event the roadway could be improved to provide better access for emergency vehicles. Joe indicated that the town does not want to get involved with matters of private property however; Joe is willing to facilitate dialogue between the various parties (Trinity Church, the Military band and the Historic Society).
Sirum's Towing Bill - the Highway Superintendent received an invoice in the amount of $246.00 that was dated from the previous fiscal year. Rather than hold the bill for a subsequent special town meeting, the Board voted to authorize payment using FY'08 monies.
Adjournment - a motion was made by Bob to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Motion seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Mosher
Executive Secretary