Selectmen Meeting Minutes — July 18, 2011 — 7:00 p.m. —
Memorial Hall.
Call to Order: John Payne called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Other members present: Robert Manners and Joseph Judd.
Media Present: Diane Broncaccio, The Recorder and Cameron Graves, Shelburne Falls Independent
Acceptance of Minutes: Bob brought forth a motion to accept the meeting minutes of June 20, 2011 and July 7, 2011 as presented. Joe seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Noteworthy News:
Department Liaison Reports:
Police - Joe had nothing to report.
Highway - roadside mowing continues; new parking signs are installed along Bridge Street depicting revised hours for two hour parking; new portable signage in place on Maple Street (near the intersection of Church indicating that the street is not a "Through Way." Residents believe that the new signage is effective in detouring unnecessary traffic. Lastly, Mass Highway Department has approved three Chapter 90 projects totaling $205,000. Roads slated for improvement are: Zerah Fiske, Patten & Tower, and Peckville.
Other Reports:
Comcast Negotiations - members of the joint Cable Advisory Committee sent a letter to Comcast in mid-June indicating acceptance of the contract terms in the ten-year renewal. The Committee is still awaiting a response.
F.R.C.O.G. - John attended a meeting of the Finance Committee. The group spent an hour with the auditing firm reviewing the findings of their year-end audit. The F.R.C.O.G. received a good review. John also reported that the Transit Center is on track.
7:15 p.m. W.M.E.C.O. Pole Hearing - Bill LeBlanc representing WMECO appeared before the Board seeking permission to place two (2) solely owned poles, numbered 71/83M and 71/86M, starting one thousand seven hundred eighty feet (1785'), and two thousand four hundred forty feet (2440') going southeasterly from the center line of the Mohawk Trail. The poles will be located in the town's right-of-way. The reason for installation is to provide system reliability for conversion project. Bill LeBlanc noted that this installation serves as phase 2 of the conversion process. The Board approved phase 1 earlier last month with an installation on Cooper Lane. No abutters were present for comment. Bob presented a motion to approve the petition as presented by W.M.E.C.O. Joe seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
7:27 p.m. John Payne declared a three minute recess; meeting is to reconvene at 7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m. Discussion Relative to Potential Purchase of Additional Town Building - Joe Judd has been exploring all aspects of the "Kingdom Hall" property located at 412 Mohawk Trail, Shelburne, MA to determine whether it makes sense for the Town to purchase it. For purpose of discussion, Board members were encouraged to focus on the merits of the purchase rather than the potential use of the property as it is too premature to speculate what department(s) might relocate there if the town were to purchase. Joe prepared a multi-page overview of the property which included layout, the deed, expenses relative to the property, as well as some legal documentation provided by Town Counsel. Asking price for said property is $160,000 with approximately $40,000 more needed for renovations. Rick Lane who was present for the discussion indicated that he was part of a study committee three years ago that was specific to the police department. At that time, it was apparent that space at Memorial Hall was of concern and the committee agreed that it made sense to look at other possibilities. Following the 40 minute presentation, Joe brought forth a motion to move forward with a purchase and sale agreement working under the guidance of Town Counsel; and with the following contingencies: that the property has an approved water source suitable for public buildings, a full inspection of the property be performed (including the roof), solidify right-of-way concerns with abutter, successful financing and town meeting approval. Bob seconded the motion. Before voting on the motion, John requested a clearer analysis of the financing. Motion passed unanimously.
DOER Grant:
Cowell Gym Roof Project - Five bids were received and reviewed by the F.R.C.O.G.
A bid package submitted by low bidder, JJS Universal Construction Company of Dudley, MA was incomplete and therefore rejected. John presented a motion to award the second low bidder, Titan Roofing, Inc. of Chicopee, MA in the amount of $74,600. Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Contracts will be prepared for signing.
Cowell Gym Foyer Attic Insulation Project - The project is estimated to cost approximately $16,000 with a payback period of 12-13 years. The project was advertised; the bid opening is on Thursday, July 21, 2011.
Cowell Gym Window Infill Project - Project is to be advertised the first week of August;
with a bid opening date of August 23, 2011. Estimated cost is $30,000.
Memorial Hall Insulation Project - The project is estimated to cost approximately $17,000 with an estimated payback period of 7 years. DOER approved the project on July 13th. The project will be advertised soon.
Memorial Hall Window Replacement Project - Estimated cost of project is approximately $17,600 with an estimated payback period of 20 years. DOER has approved the project; it has been advertised with a bid opening of August 2, 2011.
Future projects: lighting analysis at Cowell Gym and the Highway Garage; and "infill" at least six windows and one door at Town Hall. Also look at ten very large windows in Memorial Hall Theater that are currently sealed.
Memorial Drive RE: Winter Maintenance - Bob and Donna MacNicol met with shareholders in an attempt to craft a formalized agreement amongst all parties. Donna is researching the deed. Bob will schedule a follow-up meeting with abutters in August.
Jacqui Goodman RE: Cross Street Fence - Bob and Pete agree that the town's wooden fence located in the Cross Street Parking lot needs replacement. Estimates for purchase and installation of a new fence are approximately $3,000. Bob will seek ways to fund the expenditure.
FY'12 Appointments Continued:
E911 Coordinator - Joe brought forth a motion to appoint John Taylor.
Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Emergency Planning Committee (Buckland Representation) - The Board is still waiting to hear who will replace Russell Scott whom has retired. Appointment deferred.
Agricultural Commission - Members of the Selectboard deferred appointments to the Agricultural Commission two weeks ago to allow members to think about redefining the role of the Commission. John Payne had discussed the concept with Agricultural Commission Chairman, Carolyn Wheeler, who agreed that membership of the Commission should be more active and diverse. John recommended appointing both Kim Stevens and Beth Manning to a three-year term; replacing Karen Gould and Norman Davenport (whose terms had expired). Joe seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Cemetery Commission - Joe brought forth a motion to appoint the following individuals to the newly formed cemetery commission: Evelyn Bohonowicz - 2013; Richard Bole - 2014; and Nancy Hammond - 2015. Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Vacancies to be Filled By Appointment: The Town Clerk has advised that the following seats remain vacant following the Town's June election. Residents interested in serving in this capacity should submit a letter of interest to the Board of Selectmen no later than August 14th.
Recreation Committee: Four Year Term Sewer Commissioner: One Year
Five Year Term Sewer Commissioner: Two Year
Sewer Commissioner: Three Year
Constable: Serve until next election
Memorial Hall Association RE: Permission to Allow "The Academy at Charlemont" use of Memorial Hall on Thursday, December 15, 2011 - The show is a private event for Academy families and friends and will allow ten student bands to perform over a two hour period. The proposed schedule is as follows:
9:a.m. - noon Set-up 6:30 p.m. Doors Open
Noon to 3:00 p.m. Dress Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. Performance Begins
6:00 p.m. Performers Call
Memorial Hall Association will have a hall manager on hand for the entire time to supervise and ensure concert promoters are respectful during Town Hall business hours. Joe brought forth a motion to approve the request as presented. Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Town of Ashfield RE: Withdrawal from Shelburne Senior Center - the Selectboard of Ashfield has voted to withdraw as members of the Shelburne Senior Center effective June 30, 2012. Ashfield hopes that their withdrawal will provide impetus for the creation of a new consortium more responsive to the interests and needs of the seniors in the various towns of western Franklin County. Joe will be meeting with representatives of the consortium on July 20 in Buckland to gain a better understanding of what their concerns are.
Masonic Lodge RE: Senior Center Lease - the Senior Center lease agreement has expired. Members of the Masons are willing to continue to act in good faith; using the terms of the expired lease until a new document is adopted.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Bob at 8:46 p.m. Joe seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Mosher
Town Administrator