Selectmen Meeting Minutes — January 4, 2010 — 7:00 p.m. — Memorial Hall.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order by John Payne. Other members present: Joseph Judd and Robert Manners.
Media Present: Diane Broncaccio, Greenfield Recorder and Cameron Graves, Shelburne Falls Independent.
Acceptance of Minutes: A motion was made by Bob to accept the minutes of December 21, 2009 as presented. Joe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Noteworthy News: John reported that the Open Space Committee has acquired a map display rack through Highland Communities Initiative and they intend to display informative maps and drawings in an area of town hall that is accessible to both town officials and the general public.
Department Liaison Reports:
Police -- Joe reported that he and the Police Chief have been looking at potential off-site locations to house the police department. Given the town's limited financial resources, it has become apparent that a lease and/or purchase is not feasible; the two are now revisiting the possibility of utilizing a town-owned building.
Highway -- Backhoe repairs are in progress. Estimated repair costs approximately $5,500 plus transportation costs. In an effort to conserve money, the crew worked sparingly over the weekend to address snow, wind-related drifting, and sanding.
Town Hall -- nothing to report.
7:15 p.m. Rob Reagan RE: Falls Cable Access Service -- Over the last few years Falls Cable television viewers, have voiced numerous complaints relative to the overall quality of Shelburne's televised Select Board meetings. In response to the complaints, the Select Board invited Falls Cable Chairman, Rob Reagan in to discuss the problems. Rob indicated that the Cable Access Committee is aware of the complaints and will be taking corrective measures over the next few months. Rob explained that the existing equipment is over 20 years old and thus the Committee has allocated $10,000 for the purchase of new wireless equipment. Additional measures include the purchase of a locked storage cabinet to store the equipment and an assessment of the Comcast line that supplies the "feed" to the building. Rob asked viewers to report broadcasting difficulties to Janice Dompke by calling 625-2270. Lastly, Rob said volunteers are always welcome; anyone interested in serving as a camera person for either Shelburne or Buckland should contact Janice as well.
7:30 p.m. Beverly Neeley, Town Clerk RE: Certification -- appointment cancelled.
Vacancy to Carl Nilman Scholarship Committee -- a motion was made by Joe to appoint Marion Taylor as Shelburne's representative to the Carl Nilman Scholarship Committee. Motion seconded by Bob. Motion carried unanimously.
Weston & Sampson RE: Bid Recommendation for Main Street III, Shelburne and Franklin Street, Buckland -- Shelburne and Buckland received thirteen (13) bids (opened on December 17, 2009) for the combined Shelburne - Main Street Reconstruction Project (Phase 3) and the Buckland -- Franklin Street Reconstruction Project. The three lowest bidders were as follows:
Ludlow Construction Company, Inc. Base Bid: $559,888.70
Borges Construction Company Base Bid: $569,432.50
Gagliarducci Construction, Inc. Base Bid: $574,772.50
Weston & Sampson has checked the Bid Bond, bank reference and project references for Ludlow Construction Company, Inc. and has found them to be in order. They recommend that the Towns of Shelburne and Buckland award the Construction Contract to Ludlow Construction Company, Inc. in the amount $559,888.70.
John Ryan of Breezeway Farm Consulting, Inc. wrote that he concurs with Weston & Sampson's review and recommends that the Select Board award the construction contract to Ludlow Construction Company, Inc.
Motion was made by Bob to award the construction contract to Ludlow Construction Company, Inc. of Ludlow, MA in the amount of $559,888.70. Motion seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.
Special Town Meeting -- a special town meeting has been scheduled for Monday, March 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting will be to accept the town's certified free cash amount of $50,327; and transfer needed funds to the Veteran's Benefits account, the Buildings and Grounds account and the Election Expense account.
Selectmen's Meeting Schedule -- being that January 18th is a holiday; the Selectmen have re-scheduled their second meeting in January for Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 3:00 p.m.
F.R.C.O.G. Planning Board Representatives -- No action required. The town's representatives are as follows: Chris Davenport as the Planning Board representative and Charles Washer as the Selectmen's representative.
Proposed Public Forum RE: Town's Finances, Future Direction, etc, - the Board will host a public forum on March 15, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. (following the special town meeting). The purpose of the forum is three-fold: to provide residents with a financial overview of the town; discuss tough decisions that need to be made with regard to services, infrastructure and taxes; and to obtain feedback and/or a sense of direction from residents.
F.C.C.B.I.P. RE: Revolving Fund Account -- the town's assessment for the F.R.C.O.G. building inspection program is based on a three-year rolling average of permit activity. Shelburne is currently enjoying higher than normal building activity (Gitsis Block, Vipassana Meditation Center, and Ashfield Stone) that will result in sizeable permit fees this year and next. However, in the following years Shelburne's inspection program assessments will increase as the higher fees roll through the three-year average. F.R.C.O.G. has suggested that Shelburne consider establishing a revolving fund to hold the higher than normal fee income (rather than just crediting it to the General Fund). The Town will then have this income available to meet the higher assessments as they occur in the following years. Such action will require a Town Meeting vote. No decisions were made.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Joe to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Mosher
Executive Secretary