Selectmen Meeting Minutes — January 20, 2010 — 3:00 p.m. — Memorial Hall.
Call to order: John Payne called the meeting to order. Other members present: Joseph Judd and Robert Manners.
Media Present: Cameron Graves, Shelburne Falls Independent.
Acceptance of Minutes: Bob made a motion to accept the minutes of January 4, 2010 as presented. Joe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
3:00 p.m. John Ryan, Breezeway Farm Consulting RE: Final Hearing CDBG FY'10 Application -- the purpose of the joint Shelburne and Buckland public hearing was to discuss the 2010 Community Development Block Grant application for up to $1 million in funding. The application includes three components: (1) reconstruction of Hope Street, Shelburne; (2) reconstruction of Franklin Street, Buckland (Phase 2 and (3) two social service programs.
The first order of business was to accept two social service proposals for inclusion in the 2010 application:
Joe presented a motion to accept a proposal for up to $25,000 submitted by the Community Action Group of the Franklin, Hampshire, and North Quabbin Regions for continuation of the emergency food pantry services for Shelburne and Buckland residents. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Joe proposed a second motion to accept a proposal from the Shelburne Senior Center for up to $25,000 in funding for continuation of the elder self-sufficiency services program for Shelburne and Buckland residents. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
John Ryan provided an overview of this year's application which totals approximately $831,741. Both Shelburne and Buckland's infrastructure projects include replacement of sewer and water lines, sidewalk, curbing and resurfacing of the roadway. Buckland's infrastructure project is estimated at $289,604 and Shelburne's infrastructure project is estimated at $425,045.
Shelburne Sewer Commissioner, Harry Dunning stated that the existing sewer line servicing residents of Hope and Mechanic Street is problematic. He explained that the most cost effective way of replacing the line is to do so in its' existing location. Representatives from Weston and Sampson Engineering met with residents from the project area to discuss the proposed scope of work. Harry reported that the residents are pleased with the plan for proposed improvements and will be authorizing right-of entries to their property.
James Young of 10 Hope Street agreed that the existing sewer line is a problem; noting that its' installation dates back to the early 1900's.
Guy Wheeler representing the Shelburne Falls Water District stated that the water line in the proposed project area serves as the secondary feed for the town. Remaining streets in need of water line replacement include: Bridge, Severance, High, Mechanic, and Deerfield Ave.
Maureen Pike of 95 Mechanic Street asked about the scope of work in front of her residence. John Ryan indicated that both sidewalk and curbing would be replaced.
Shelburne Falls Area Business Association representative, Mary Vilbon asked about the proposed time line for the project. John Ryan indicated that if successfully funded, the work would begin in the spring of 2011.
After hearing no further comments from the public, the hearing was closed at 3:27 p.m.
Three votes were taken:
A motion was made by Joe to commit $15,000 in Chapter 90 money to serve as a local match for Shelburne's infrastructure project. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Bob authorizing Breezeway Farm Consulting to prepare the 2010 Community development Block Grant application as presented; and to authorize the Selectboard Chairman or his designees to sign the application on behalf of the towns. Joe seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
A final motion was made by Joe authorizing Chairman, Payne to sign the "Inter-local" Agreement between the towns of Buckland and Shelburne. Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
3:35 p.m. Daniel Lieberman RE: Cable Advisory Committee -- Dan appeared before the Selectboard to express an interest in serving as a member of the Cable Advisory Committee. Dan explained that he is in the process of establishing a consulting business and relies a great deal on computer technology. Aside from his own interests, Dan believes that "internet" is the future and should be made available throughout the entire town. He indicated that he has had an opportunity to review the most recent draft contract agreement between Shelburne and Comcast and would like very much to be involved in the negotiating process. In keeping with proper protocol, John recommended that Dan attend a meeting of the Cable Advisory Committee and have acting Chairman, Mike Duffy bring forth a recommendation for appointment. No further action was taken.
Election Results: of the 1,380 registered voters in Shelburne; 861 voted in this week's Senate election. Martha Coakley received 588 votes; Scott Brown received 263 votes; Joe Kennedy received 9 votes; and 1 write-in.
March 15th Public Forum - a variety of ideas were discussed for the proposed public forum to be held on Monday, March 15, 2010 in Memorial Hall. Members of the Selectboard agree that the forum will provide an opportunity to identify a handful of topics that are of concern and allow voters to provide feedback. Members will bring forth at least three ideas for discussion at their next meeting.
FY'08 CDBG Contract Extensions -- at the request of Breezeway Farm Consulting, Inc. the Selectboard voted the following:
Motion #1. To extend the contract time period for the Housing Rehabilitation Program Manager:
Joe moved and Bob seconded that the contract with the Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority to provide Housing Rehabilitation Services for the FY'08 Community Development Block Grant be extended until March 31, 2010, contingent upon receipt of a contract period extension from DHCD. Motion carried unanimously.Motion #2. To extend the contract time period for the grant administrator:
Joe moved and Bob seconded that the contract with Breezeway Farm Consulting to administer the FY'08 Community development Block Grant is extended until April 30, 2010, contingent upon receipt of a contract period extension from DHCD. Motion carried unanimously.
Roy Bishop & Associates RE: FY'11 Real & Property Value Update Agreement -- acting upon a recommendation made by the Board of Assessors, a motion was made by Bob to accept an agreement brought forth by Bishop and Associates of Agawam, MA for the FY'11 Real Estate and Personal Property Value Update. Cost for said services: $7,500. Motion seconded by Joe. Motion carried unanimously.
Memorial Hall Association RE: Request for March 18, 2010 Concert -- Memorial Hall Association requested permission to host a concert featuring the band "Patrick Street" on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. Recognizing that the lease between MHA and the Town does not allow for public performance events during the week; the group was seeking permission from the Selectboard to allow the concert providing that it did not interfere with the town's schedule. There are no town boards and/or committees meeting that evening; therefore Joe brought forth a motion to approve the request. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Planning Board RE: Appointment to Vacant Seat -- Planning Board members met with two residents who have expressed an interest in filling the vacant seat left by the resignation of Rodney McBride. After careful consideration, Chairman, Matthew Marchese has brought forth the name of Doug Finn for appointment. If appointed, Mr. Finn would serve until the next election in June. Given the elected status of the vacancy, the Selectboard requested that Terry Mosher contact the Elections Division for clarification on procedures relating to the appointment of an elected official before taking any action.
Mary Vilbon RE: Relocation of Welcome to Shelburne Falls Sign -- Mary Vilbon, representing the S.F.A.B.A. approached the Selectboard regarding the possibility of relocating the "Welcome to Shelburne Falls" sign. The sign in its' existing location (near Clark's Corvair) is partially hidden by a variety of greenery. Members of the Selectboard; suggested a variety of ideas relative to the sign; including relocation. Mary will bring the suggestions back to the Business Association for further consideration.
Town Office Space Memorandum -- Joe investigated the use of meeting space at Memorial Hall in order to determine whether changes were necessary to address ongoing "space" concerns. Joe reviewed meeting schedules; and met with a few of the town's Board/Committee Chairmen's. He discussed his findings with fellow Selectboard members and recommended that the use of Memorial Hall remain status quo for the time being. To alleviate future conflicts in scheduling, Joe has requested that the Town Clerk notify the Executive Secretary if more than two Boards/Committees are requesting meeting space in Memorial Hall on the same night. Terry Mosher will assign meeting rooms to each Board and/or Committee. Terry will also send a memorandum to each Board/Committee notifying them of Joe's recommendation. The memorandum will suggest that Boards/Committees consider changing their meeting nights and/or locations.
Quinn Bill -- Joe will be attending the annual Massachusetts Municipal Association Trade Show in Boston this weekend. He intends to attend a seminar on the Quinn Bill with the hopes of gaining more insight from other cities and towns who have adopted the provision in the same manner in which Shelburne did in May of 2001.
Sale of Girl Scouts Cookies -- Laura Leemis contacted Joe requesting permission to sell Girl Scout cookies at the transfer station. Joe instructed Ms. Leemis to contact the owner of the site for permission (Town of Charlemont).
Pratt Memorial Library -- John met with members of the Pratt Memorial Library last week. He reported that Lori Sanders of Westfield, MA gave an inspirational talk on fundraising efforts that resulted in $1.5 million dollars for her library. The group also discussed methods of determining the annual costs of maintaining the library. John encouraged members to include a member of the Buckland Selectboard and/or Finance Committee in future discussions.
Highway Update -- Bob provided the following highway update relative to equipment repair and/or damage. The back hoe is still awaiting repair; a conveyer chain broke on truck #6; and the Mack truck suffered damaged while the operator was attempting to remove a tree from the road using the plow.
Mohawk Municipal Advisory Committee -- Joe has served as the Board's representative to MMAC for over thirteen years. He indicated that he would love to step down from his role providing that someone was willing to replace him. Bob agreed to serve as the town's representative providing that the meetings did not conflict with his work schedule. Joe made a motion to appoint Bob as the Board's representative to MMAC. John seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
F.C. Solid Waste Management District Meeting will hold a public hearing on January 21, 2010 at 7:15 p.m., 50 Miles Street, Greenfield to discuss the proposed budget for fiscal year 2011.
Mohawk Municipal Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in the Mohawk Middle School Room #171. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the refinancing of capital loans and the FY'2011 budget.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion presented by Bob to adjourn the meeting at 5:18 p.m. Joe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Mosher, Executive Secretary