Board of Selectmen

Thursday, August 21, 2008, 7:00 pm
Meeting Minutes
A meeting of the Selectboard

Selectmen Meeting Minutes — August 21, 2008 — 7:00 p.m. — Memorial Hall

Call to order: The Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Manners. Other members present: John Payne and Joe Judd.

Media: Diane Broncaccio, Greenfield Recorder

Noteworthy News:

  • Many thanks to the residents of Main Street as well as the businesses that have been affected by the Main Street construction project.
  • Both the Bridge of Flowers Road Race and the Bridge Dinner were a great success. We were fortunate to have beautiful weather for both occasions.
  • Labor Day weekend is fast approaching.

7:00 p.m. John Ryan, Breezeway Farm Consulting, Inc. RE: 2008 CDBG Application (Also present: Kevin Fox and Andrea Llamas, Buckland) - the joint application submitted by the Towns of Shelburne and Buckland received a total score of 97 points; just one point shy of qualifying for funding. After examining the comments of the review panel and their assigned scores, John suggested areas in which the application can be strengthened for next year. Those suggestions included: revisiting whether or not to include the housing rehabilitation program; providing final construction plans rather than preliminary; the addition of more complimentary projects (i.e. river walk project) and more citizen participation by low to moderate income residents. Buckland Selectmen will continue the discussion with John Ryan at the next meeting on August 26, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. Shelburne Selectmen are welcome to attend.

7:50 p.m. Terry Dun, E911 Coordinator RE: Numbering of Smead Hill Road - Terry Dun explained that the manner in which households are currently numbered on Smead Hill Road and is concerned that in its present state; it may create confusion for emergency responders. There are 5 residents that should be reassigned household numbers in order to correct the problem. Terry has spoken with the affected post office about the potential renumbering and suggests that the owners of the five residences be invited in for a discussion. Terry Dun will coordinate the meeting time and place with Terry Mosher.
In closing, Terry urged that the Planning Board address the subject of common driveways in the zoning by-laws to avoid further problems with the E911 numbering system.

Department Liaison Reports:
Police Department -the Chief is in the process of obtaining estimates for the proposed office relocation; Sergeant Johnson's retirement is just around the corner. Joe would like to invite him to attend the September 4th meeting; concerns at the glacial pothole site are finally being addressed as abutters post their access points with "No Trespassing" signs.
Town Office - John is still working on addressing some earlier concerns; progress is slow but steady.

Highway Department - Brook Road Slope Stabilization Project is complete; the crew has been patching Mercy Anderson Road; highway garage roof is in the process of being re-shingled; 1982 and 1984 trucks are being advertised for sale; soliciting bids for the purchase of a used dump truck. John would like the town to send a letter to the Town of Greenfield inquiring about the repair of the Old Greenfield Road. He feels that the road in its' present state is unsafe for travel.

Arms Library - John has been in contact with three descendants of the Pratt family and no one is aware of any old documents relative to the library. Laurie Wheeler is trying to locate a roof study performed by Whetstone Engineering and trustees are trying to locate the Arms Library Indenture of Trust dated 11/24/20. Wendy Sweetser of the Highland Communities Initiative will be making a presentation to the Board of Selectmen in late September relative to the Community Preservation Act; a fund whereby monies can be used for historic preservation.

Senior Center Lease Agreement - after final review of the document, John indicated that it is a good lease; a reflection of compromise by all parties. After no further discussion, a motion was made by John to sign the lease. Joe seconded the motion giving thanks to everyone involved in the process. Motion carried unanimously.

Bridge Street Sidewalks -still waiting for the Highway Superintendent to obtain a cost estimate from a local contractor who specializes in concrete work.

Planning Board, Zoning Board & Board of Health RE: Part-Time Clerical Help - nine applications were received for the part-time clerical position(s). John recommended that the Chairman's and/or designated representative from each Board meet to review the resumes collectively and identify three candidates for interview. Once three candidates have been identified, the Board of Selectmen will schedule interviews.

Franklin Land Trust RE: One Day Liquor License - the Franklin Land Trust will be hosting their 10th Annual "Art in the Afternoon" auction and fundraiser on September 13, 2008 at the Shelburne-Buckland Community Center from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. The Land Trust is requesting a one day liquor license for the event and they are also requesting that the $85.00 fee for said license be waived. A motion was made by John to approve both requests providing that proof of insurance is provided before releasing the license. Joe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mohawk Youth Football RE: Helmet Drive - Amy Green, President of Mohawk Youth Football is requesting permission to hold a "Helmet Drive" on Saturday, August 30, 2008 at the corners of Bridge and Water Streets from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For the safety of the children, only parents would be allowed to stand in the roadway. A motion was made by Joe to approve the request. John seconded the motion. Bob recommended that parents wear safety vests while in the roadway. Everyone agreed. Motion passed unanimously.

F.R.C.O.G. RE: Pioneer Valley Clean Energy Collaborative - tabled until next meeting. Terry Mosher will make copies for each Board member to review.

Wellness Incentive Meeting - Blue Cross Blue Shield has scheduled a Wellness Incentive Meeting for the towns of Shelburne, Buckland and Rowe on Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. in Memorial Hall. So that employees may attend the informational session, the Treasurer is seeking permission from the Selectmen to allow employees to leave their jobs for approximately 2 hours. John took exception to the fact that the Treasurer had specifically requested that the informational session be scheduled in the afternoon so not to interfere with employee's work schedule yet, the insurance provider went ahead and scheduled the meeting at their convenience. John will speak with Treasurer, Virginia Peck to see if the date and/or time can be changed.

Ivy Palmer RE: Farmer's Market Sign
- in a letter to the Board of Selectmen Ms. Palmer was upset that the Tree Warden had removed and returned a "lovely" hand painted farmer's market sign that she had screwed into the last maple tree on Bridge Street as a means of advertising her farmer's market. Ms. Palmer states that she was offended by the manner in which the Tree Warden handled the situation. A letter will be sent to Ms. Palmer informing her that she cannot place signs on town owned trees or utility poles. The letter will suggest that she either contact the Zoning Board of Appeals for more clarification on signage or seek permission from a private home owner to place temporary signs on the lawn.

Adjournment - Joe made a motion to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. John seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Mosher
Executive Secretary