Board of Assessors

Monday, September 28, 2009, 7:00 pm
Meeting Minutes
A meeting of the Board of Assessors

MEETING MINUTES — September 28, 2009

5:00 -- 6:30
Assessors went to houses that were sold recently in order to update records:

76 Frank Williams Rd.
8 Cooperlane Ave.
7 Mechanic St.
94 Mechanic St.
55 Main St.
9 Grove St.
137 Bridge St.

1. Called meeting to order @ 6:40PM
Marvin Peck, Jim Richardson, & Joe Mattei present

2. Reviewed mail:

  • August Building Permits
  • DOR 2009 Legislative Bulletin
  • MAAO Fall Seminar October 14 -16

3. Signed Previous meeting minutes -- 9/14/2009

4. Signed Motor Vehicle Abatement

5. Passed over the review & signing of Chapter Applications -- will take up at next meeting

6. The Assistant is compiling list of records for disposal requiring State approval -- when completed the list will be sent to the State for official approval

7. Next meeting October 26 - No meeting on October 12 (Columbus Day)

8. Office closed tomorrow 9/29 -- Assistant is helping daughter move to NH

9. Adjourned Meeting @ 6:55 PM

Marvin C. Peck, Chairman
Joseph P. Mattei
James T. Richardson